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Friday, May 16, 2014


Uruguay is a very particular case in world football . Its only 3 million people in more than half of the territory of Italy, were no hindrance to conquer the greatest achievements in the most popular sports . These great sporting triumphs allowed many know the smallest South American nations , while the Uruguayans were an affirmation of their national identity. Víctor Rodríguez Andrade was born into a family in which the name of a legendary player like his uncle José Leandro Andrade , was a liability and an example of admiration. José Andrade was the first black crack the world, and the first player called " Black Wonder " , with Pele or Eusebio predecessor. Andrade was the owner of the right side of Uruguay , tee shirt that won the first World Cup in 1930 , and 2 Olympic tournaments ( 1924 and 1928) and 3 Copa America ( 1923 , 1924 and 1926 ) . Precisely the nickname " Black Wonder " appeared in the Olympics in Paris, where he marveled at the European press, so far unknown level of South American football. Such was the admiration of his uncle Victor , who despite his last name was Rodriguez, adopted its football named after his uncle. However, despite the blood of crack in their genes, Rodriguez Andrade found it very hard to let go of the comparison, it was not only because of family issues or race , but Victor was playing in the same position as his uncle, in the lateral , which formerly was called half left .Perhaps the physical conditions that have blacks, Andrade was a real athletes , but with the virtue of being able to use that speed and great physical condition to permanently hooked in from the wing, dribbling at the right time , winning in melee and air have to return and neutralize the opponent's tip , very rare issue at the time. Everything began in the fields of improvised playing with clothes instead of poles and rag balls , where his polished technique , which would then be displayed on the tennis world was forged. No doubt the landmark frame the life of this player was the World 50 , in Brazil, where the greatest feat was achieved in the history of the World . It was the only time a World Cup podium defined by a league , not elimination. In this way he reached the final match between Uruguay and Brazil, where he reached the canarinha a draw to be champion.The homeowner premiered the world's largest stadium , and it was fixed , and also came to beating people all rivals. The fundamental work of Andrade , who was a permanent fixture in the 4 games , was to annul the Brazilian ace Zizinho ; objective achieved except once when Zizinho Friaça empowered , that just started the second half to put Brazil ahead . But perhaps it occurred immediately after the goal , was critical to the outcome. According to Rodriguez Andrade told himself: " Maybe it's the only one saying so, but 100 % sure that is true . When Friaça stang, line up the pennant. And in that second I lost, it was me enough meters to get ahead Máspoli ... When that seemed to collapse , Jacinto (referring to Captain Obdulio Varela ) approached me and said : What ? It was offside, Jacinto, was offside . " Following this , Varela " protested, argued with half the world, took everything in order to cool the party ; when he headed to the environment, always with the ball under his arm, covered with his booming voice shouting, whistling at that height for the delay, and said , let these Japanese that we beat them . " On this situation, the Andrade himself said that " I waited , no one moved , I went to complain and when you reach the center of the field , that was a cemetery."Far from diminishing their performance in front of goal and harangued by their captain, Andrade became a lock for the Uruguayan background and overflow for its luxury side repeatedly demanding that the Brazilian fund , which eventually would fall before he Schiafino and Gigghia . The win catapulted the story to all its members and for the first time Rodríguez Andrade, ceased to be the nephew of José Andrade, and happened to be " the Black Pearl " .Four years later in Switzerland 54, Uruguay defended the title with the base of the previous World Cup , and the addition of Juan Hohberg by Gigghia and instead of Matias Gonzalez , José Santamaría , who many years later would play in the Real Madrid of Puskas and DiStefano selected and directed to Spanish . In this World , Andrade returned to play all matches, including the semifinal between Uruguay and Hungary was listed as "the most beautiful football show viewing time."The Magyars were 2 goals ahead until the last fifteen minutes. There, according to the press at the time , with the help of a spectacular party Rodríguez Andrade, Uruguay manages to tie with goals from Hohberg and Schiafino and even discounts Schiafino has victory on his feet after circumventing the keeper , but the ball culminates with the ball stuck in the mud. Thus force extra time where Rodríguez Andrade torn ends up playing . Finally , Hungary wins 4-2 to Uruguay and gives him his first defeat in the history of the World Cup , relegating him to fourth.Once retired from football activity , Rodríguez Andrade began working as an usher at the Legislative Palace ( Congress). He remained there for about 20 years.


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